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These often become unresolved issues following lower limb injuries due to severe comminuted and open fractures. They are also a major concern for orthopedic surgeons, since despite their proper surgical approach, they cannot avoid complications such as pseudarthrosis or chronic osteomyelitis.

Treatment of such patients by a plastic surgeon often eliminates the risk of such complications. The main reason for the complication is poor perfusion of the lower limb region, which becomes worse by the injury, destroying soft tissue around the fractured region. Infection of the injury is also another reason for the complication, but again this is due to poor perfusion and, subsequently, poor body defense in the region. For optimal results, it is crucial that the plastic surgeon transfers perfused flaps, which will cover the deficit and offer ample perfusion. A delayed approach should also follow the same principles, i.e. transfer of perfused muscular flaps, which will contribute towards bone healing.